Get a Marriage License Basic Information
When applying for a marriage license, both parties, age 18 and over, must be present.State of Florida residents have the option of attending a premarital course from a registered provider, or waiting a 3 day mandatory time period before the marriage license becomes effective. An Online Premarital Course Provider Directory is available to assist you in locating a pre-marital course provider (see clerk for certificate requirements), or you will find a copy of this registry at any marriage service location.
Non-Florida residents are exempt from any marriage license waiting period.Marriage License Identification Requirements:A valid federal or state government photo identification card is required and must provide the correct legal name, date of birth and signature of the applicant.Types of photo identification cards accepted are:Driver's License (U.S. State or Government)PassportU.S. Military identificationState Identification Card (U.S. State or Government)Alien Registration CardIn accordance with State of Florida Statute, any person who has been issued a Social Security number shall provide their social security number during the marriage license application process. [Copies of the social security card are not needed, only the social security card number.] Any person who is not a citizen of the U.S. may provide either a Social Security number or an Alien Registration number, if one has been issued. If neither has been issued, another form of ID may be required.Other helpful information:Blood tests are not required.You do not need to be a resident of this county or the State of Florida to obtain a Marriage license.Marriage licenses are for use within the State of Florida for sixty (60) days from the effective date.
The Family Law Handbook should be read prior to obtaining the Marriage License. The Family Law Handbook is also available for viewing in the Clerk of Courts Marriage and One-Stop-Divisions.If either applicant has been previously married, the exact date of the last divorce, death, or annulment must be provided.Requirements for under-aged marriage license applicantsApplicants who are 16 or 17 years of age: In addition to the above listed requirements, the following documents must be presented when one or both of the applicants are within this age bracket:Any applicant under the age of eighteen (18) must have the consent of both parents or a guardian. If custody of such minor has been granted to one parent, original proof must be provided. You may obtain consent forms from this office. If one parent is deceased, a certified copy of the death certificate is required. Proof of age and parents identity is required. This may be done with a certified copy of the person’s birth certificate. If the parent's names do not match, additional proof may be required.Applicants under 16 years of age: Clerk will explain procedures.